Plugin System

The plugin system is a way to hook into events during the runtime of the application.

Plugins are defined within the JS file specified by the tooling.plugins configuration option.



Called when the tests start running, before any --before- hooks.


Called when the tests finish running, after all --after- hooks.


Called when the project first loads, before any tests are run, and only happens once per project.


Called when the project is finished, after all tests are run and passed, and only happens once per project.


Called when a lesson passes, after all tests are run and passed, and only happens once per lesson.


Called when a lesson fails, after all tests are run and any fail.


Called once when a lesson is loaded, after the onProjectStart if the first lesson.


It is possible to define a custom parser for the curriculum files. This is useful when the curriculum files are not in the default format described in the project syntax section.

The first parameter of the parser functions is the project dashed name. This is the same as the dashedName field in the projects.json file.

It is up to the parser to read, parse, and return the data in the format expected by the application.


(projectDashedName: string) =>
    title: string;
    description: string;
    numberOfLessons: number;
    tags: string[];

The title, tags, and description fields are expected to be either plain strings, or HTML strings which are then rendered in the client.



This function can be called multiple times per lesson. Therefore, it is expected to be idempotent.

(projectDashedName: string, lessonNumber: number) =>
    meta?: { watch?: string[]; ignore?: string[] };
    description: string;
    tests: [[string, string]];
    hints: string[];
    seed: [{ filePath: string; fileSeed: string } | string];
    isForce?: boolean;
    beforeAll?: string;
    afterAll?: string;
    beforeEach?: string;
    afterEach?: string;

The meta field is expected to be an object with either a watch or ignore field. The watch field is expected to be an array of strings, and the ignore field is expected to be an array of strings.

The description field is expected to be either a plain string, or an HTML string which is then rendered in the client.

The tests[][0] field is the test text, and the tests[][1] field is the test code. The test text is expected to be either a plain string, or an HTML string.

The hints field is expected to be an array of plain strings, or an array of HTML strings.

The seed[].filePath field is the relative path to the file from the workspace root. The seed[].fileSeed field is the file content to be written to the file.

The seed[] field can also be a plain string, which is then treated as a bash command to be run in the workspace root.

An example of this can be seen in the default parser used:


import { pluginEvents } from "@freecodecamp/freecodecamp-os/.freeCodeCamp/plugin/index.js";

pluginEvents.onTestsStart = async (project, testsState) => {

pluginEvents.onTestsEnd = async (project, testsState) => {

pluginEvents.onProjectStart = async project => {

pluginEvents.onProjectFinished = async project => {

pluginEvents.onLessonFailed = async project => {

pluginEvents.onLessonPassed = async project => {