Curriculum Helpers
Mocks Math.random for testing purposes. Each time mock()
is called the pseudo-random number generator is reset to its initial state, so that the same sequence of random numbers is generated each time. restore()
restores the native Math.random function.
const randomMocker = new RandomMocker();
Math.random(); // first call is always 0.2523451747838408
Math.random(); // second call is always 0.08812504541128874
Math.random(); // generator is reset, so we get 0.2523451747838408 again
Math.random(); // back to native Math.random
Combines one or more regular expressions into one.
const regex1 = /a\s/;
const regex2 = /b/;
concatRegex(regex1, regex2).source === "a\\sb";
Given a function name and, optionally, a list of parameters, returns a regex that can be used to match that function declaration in a code block.
let regex = functionRegex("foo", ["bar", "baz"]);
regex.test("function foo(bar, baz){}"); // true
regex.test("function foo(bar, baz, qux){}"); // false
regex.test("foo = (bar, baz) => {}"); // true
- capture: boolean - If true, the regex will capture the function definition, including it's body, otherwise not. Defaults to false.
- includeBody: boolean - If true, the regex will include the function body in the match. Otherwise it will stop at the first bracket. Defaults to true.
let regEx = functionRegex("foo", ["bar", "baz"], { capture: true });
let combinedRegEx = concatRegex(/var x = "y"; /, regEx);
let match = `var x = "y";
function foo(bar, baz){}`.match(regex);
match[1]; // "function foo(bar, baz){}"
// i.e. only the function definition is captured
let regEx = functionRegex("foo", ["bar", "baz"], { includeBody: false });
let match = `function foo(bar, baz){console.log('ignored')}`.match(regex);
match[1]; // "function foo(bar, baz){"
NOTE: capture does not work properly with arrow functions. It will capture text after the function body, too.
let regEx = functionRegex("myFunc", ["arg1"], { capture: true });
let match = "myFunc = arg1 => arg1; console.log();\n // captured, unfortunately".match(regEx);
match[1] // "myFunc = arg1 => arg1; console.log();\n // captured, unfortunately"